Click a country or story title to access photos, stories, maps and flags related to the culture. The stories include national folktales, legends, fictional stories, and biographies. The multicultural stories are short, and the reading levels are clearly indicated. These resources may be freely used in schools and education settings. To play a game, click the Games icon at the top for a link to cultural activities.
Story Title
Afghanistan |
Afghanistan, a Country of Veils and Victims: Life for Girls and Women |
Antigua |
Cruising around Antigua Island: A Caribbean Paradise |
Argentina |
Gauchos and Chinas: The Cowboys and Cowgirls of Rural Argentina |
Armenia |
Storks in Armenia: Stork Girls Working with Nest Neighbors to Study the Birds |
Australia |
A Visit with an Australian Swagman and His Cattle Dog |
Austria |
The Story of Mozart's Childhood: Music by Mozart |
Azerbaijan |
Mariya Stadnik: Inspiring Girls to Excel in Women's Freestyle Wrestling |
Bahamas |
The Cricket Match: A National Pastime in the Bahamas |
Bahamas |
Wild Boar and Lusca: Real and Legendary Animals of the Bahamas |
Bahamas |
Pirates in the Caribbean: Fun Making Movies in the Bahamas |
Barbados |
Making Steel Drums in Barbados |
Barbados |
George Washington Visits Barbados |
Belarus |
Radiation, Relocation and Rejection: How Chernobyl Changed My Life |
Belgium |
The Legend of Lace Making in Belgium |
Belize |
The Sisimite Creatures of Belize: A Story by my Maya Grandfather |
Belize |
Garifuna Settlement Day: Celebrating the Arrival of the "Black Caribs" |
Bermuda |
True Story of Mary Prince: A West Indian Slave |
Bermuda |
Mark Twain Visits Bermuda: Paradise in the Atlantic Ocean |
Bolivia |
Working at Salar de Uyuni: The Largest Salt Flat in the World |
Brazil |
The Story of Carmen Miranda: The Lady in the Tutti-Frutti Hat |
British Virgin Islands |
Harvesting Salt in BVI: Salt Island in the Caribbean |
Cameroon |
African Baka Pygmies: People Who Hunt and Gather in Forests |
Canada: Alberta |
Ice Hockey: Canada's National Sport |
Canada: New Brunswick |
A Poem About a Canadian Log Drive: "Logging on Colter's Crew" |
Canada: Nova Scotia |
Titanic Disaster and Rescue Efforts |
Canada: Nova Scotia |
The Secrets of Oak Island: An Expensive Treasure Hunt |
Canada: Nunavut |
Living in Nunavut: Cold, Dark, Treeless Wonderland in Northern Canada |
Canada: Prince Edward Island |
The Story of Anne of Green Gables: A Children's Book from Canada |
Canada: Prince Edward Island |
A Prince Edward Island Ghost Story: Tolling of the Bell |
Canada: Quebec |
Hunters and Trappers in Quebec: A Marriage of French and First Nations |
Canada: Saskatchewan |
Straw Figures Made with Saskatchewan Wheat |
Cayman Islands |
Cayman Island Attractions: Swim with Stingrays and Visit Turtle Farm |
China |
The Emperor's Daughter: A Story of Life in the Forbidden City |
China |
The Story of Ashima: A Chinese Legend of Love |
Colombia |
Life and Bats in the Andes Mountains |
Congo, Democratic Republic |
Orchestre Symphonique Kimbanguiste: Famous Orchestra of the Democratic Republic of Congo |
Costa Rica |
The "Magic Coffee Beans" Story (Mercado Central in San Jose) |
Croatia |
Chess in Croatia: The Legend of the Chessboard on the Croatian Flag |
Cuba |
A Donkey Named Perico: A Cuban Legend |
Cyprus |
Honesty and the Golden Axe: The Greek Version of Aesop's Fable |
Czech Republic |
Prague: Famous Clock, Castle, and Rescue under the Charles Bridge |
Ecuador |
Anchua Tribe in Ecuador Amazon Forest vs. the Big Oil Companies |
Egypt |
Moses and the Ten Commandments: Rules That Make Us Better People |
England: United Kingdom |
The Story of Henry VIII: The English King Who Longed for a Son |
England: United Kingdom |
Catherine of Aragon: 1st Wife of King Henry VIII; Mother of Queen Mary I |
England: United Kingdom |
Anne Boleyn: 2nd Wife of King Henry VIII; Mother of Queen Elizabeth I |
England: United Kingdom |
Jane Seymour: 3rd Wife of King Henry VIII; Mother of King Edward VI |
England: United Kingdom |
Anne of Cleves: 4th Wife of King Henry VIII (the "Ugly Wife") |
England: United Kingdom |
Katherine Howard: 5th Wife of King Henry VIII (his "Rose without a Thorn") |
England: United Kingdom |
Katherine Parr: 6th Wife of King Henry VIII (the "Last Wife") |
England: United Kingdom |
The Story of Sir Winston Churchill: Britain's Bulldog, Coach and Leader |
England: United Kingdom |
The Story of Diana Princess of Wales: The People's Princess |
Estonia |
The Maiden of the Milky Way: An Estonian Folktale |
Finland |
Aino's Story: From Finnish Mythology |
France |
Gustavo Eiffel and the Eiffel Tower: Conflict, Critics, and Creative Genius |
Germany |
Brothers Grimm: Publishers of Hansel & Gretel and Grimm's Fairy Tales |
Greece |
The Story of Socrates: A Great Teacher |
Grenada |
Spice Island: Leaper's Hill and Tourists |
Guadeloupe |
Slave Trade on the Butterfly Island of Guadeloupe in the French Caribbean |
Guatemala |
Mayan Story: The Rabbit & the Coyote |
Haiti |
My Daughter's Decision to Stay in Haiti |
Honduras |
Catching Rabbits for Dinner |
Honduras |
Chocolate Farming with Cacao Trees |
Hungary |
An Hungarian Folk Tale: It's Not True |
India |
The Story of Gandhi: Father of India |
India |
Traditions of a Hindu Wedding |
India |
Amber Fort Palace: Hall of Mirrors |
India |
The Story of Rama & Sita from the Hindu Epic, Ramayana |
India |
Wild Elephants in India: A Revered Animal to Hindus and Buddhists |
Indonesia |
The Independence Day Celebration: Freedom from The Netherlands |
Iran |
Living in Masouleh, Iran: The Mountain Village Built on Rooftops |
Ireland, Republic |
Loving and Leaving Ireland: The Story of Annie Moore |
Ireland, Republic |
An Irish Shepherd Girl: Encounter with a Wolf |
Ireland, Republic |
Leprechauns -- The Irish Wee Folk. Be Careful What You Wish For! |
Israel |
Living in an Israeli Kibbutz |
Italy |
The Man Who Wrote Pinocchio: Carving a Boy from Wood |
Italy |
The Island of Sicily: A Magical Italian Island |
Italy |
Italian Holiday Giver of Gifts: The Legend of La Befana |
Jamaica |
A WhatNot for Viola: The Grand Market in Kingston Jamaica |
Japan |
Onna-Bugeisha: Female Samurai in Japanese History |
Laos |
The Land of a Million Elephants |
Latvia |
Bear-Slayer: Latvia's Super Hero and the Long Road to Independence |
Lebanon |
Lebanon: Dabke National Dance of Help and Assistance |
Liechtenstein |
Big Winner from a Small Country: Hanni Wenzel |
Luxembourg |
Charlotte Grand Duchess of Luxembourg: Saving a Country by Running Away |
Malawi |
Galimoto: A Push Toy Made from Wire, Rags and Cornncobs in Malawi |
Martinique |
Historic Volcanoes in Martinique: Diamond Rock and Mount Pelee |
Mexico |
Our Lady of Guadalupe: Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe |
Mongolia |
Genghis Khan: Father of Mongolia |
Mongolia |
Naadam Festival in Mongolia: Archery, Horse Racing, and Wrestling |
Namibia |
Maherero Day Festival: Honoring Warriors and Celebrating Freedom |
Nepal |
The Day My World Shook: Earthquake on Mount Everest |
Netherlands |
A Dutch Milkmaid: Where Are You Going My Pretty Maid |
New Zealand |
Body Art in New Zealand: Native Maori People and Ta Moko Tattoos |
Nicaragua |
Coffee Picker's Life |
Northern Ireland |
The Myth of the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland |
Norway |
Cross Country Skiing: The National Pastime |
Norway |
The Troll and Three Billy Goats Gruff |
Norway |
Folktales under the Northern Lights: Why the Bear is Stumpy-Tailed |
Pakistan |
A Wedding in Pakistan |
Pakistan |
A Visit to Islamabad: Learning about the Muslim Culture |
Panama |
Dancing the Tamborito: The National Dance and Song of Panama |
Peru |
Machu Picchu: Lost City of the Incas, High in the Peruvian Mountains |
Philippines |
Corazon (Cory) Aquino: The First Female President in the Philippines |
Philippines |
Abadeha, Filipina Cinderella: A Folktale from the Philippines |
Poland |
Living in Poland: A Country that Suffered During World War II |
Poland |
Podhale Poland: Area of Religion, Legends, Mountains and Highlanders |
Portugal |
Portugal: Land of Cork Oak Forests and White Marble Quarries |
Puerto Rico |
Fishing for Crabs in Puerto Rico |
Romania |
Nadia Comaneci: Perfect Score in Gymnastics at 14 Years Old |
Russia |
Matryoshka- Russian Nesting Dolls |
Scotland |
Life in Scotland: Golf, Kilts, and the Loch Ness Monster |
Sierra Leone |
Freetown, Sierra Leone: A Refuge for Slaves and the Inspiration for Amazing Grace |
Slovakia |
Making Wicker Baskets for the Royals in the Slovakian Castle |
Slovenia |
Melania Trump: From Small Town Girl to First Lady in the White House |
South Africa |
A Doll Called "Smiling Girl" |
South Africa |
The Zulu Kingdom of South Africa |
St. Lucia |
Drive-In Volcano at Sulphur Springs Park in St. Lucia and Gabriel’s Hole |
Sint (St.) Maarten |
The Story of the Race to Divide a Caribbean Island into Two Countries |
St. Vincent and the Grenadines |
A Volcano Named La Soufriere |
Sweden |
St. Lucia (Sankta Lucia): Festival Bringing Light to Swedish Winters |
Switzerland |
Searching for A Bell for Ursli: Children's Classic from Switzerland |
Thailand |
Songkran: Thailand New Year and Water Festival |
Turks & Caicos |
Turks and Caicos: A British Crown Colony of Islands in the Sea |
Ukraine |
UKRAINE: From Festivals to War the Ukrainian Spirit is Strong |
USA: Alabama |
Deaf, Blind & Smart: Story of Helen Keller & Teacher Anne Sullivan |
USA: Alaska |
Tracking a Bear in Alaska: Eskimo's Food Source for the Winter |
USA: Alaska |
Fishing in Alaska: The Exhausting Life of Salmon Fish |
USA: Arizona |
Hopi Indians: Keeping Our Culture with Katsina Dance and Dolls |
USA: Arkansas |
Eureka Springs, Arkansas: Healing Waters in the Ozark Mountains |
USA: California |
Panning for Gold in California: Not Everyone Struck it Rich |
USA: California |
Shirley Temple: Little Miss Miracle - The greatest child star ever! |
USA: Colorado |
Mining Silver in Colorado: My Great-grandfather's Story |
USA: Connecticut |
PT Barnum: From Connecticut Boy to the Greatest Showman on Earth |
USA: Delaware |
A Delaware Indian Legend and the Story of Their Troubles |
USA: Florida |
Draw and Color with Uncle Fred Lasswell: Snuffy Smith Artist |
USA: Georgia |
Trail of Tears: Forced Removal of the Cherokees from Georgia |
USA: Hawaii |
The Legend of Pele: Hawaii's Goddess of Fire |
USA: Idaho |
Sacagawea: The Shoshone Who Helped the Lewis and Clark Expedition |
USA: Illinois |
The Corn Husk Doll Legend: Why the Dolls Do Not Have Faces |
USA: Indiana |
The Story of Raggedy Ann: A Labor of Love by Johnny Gruelle |
USA: Iowa |
Heroine from Iowa: Kate Shelley Saves a Passenger Train from Disaster |
USA: Kansas |
Amelia Earhart: Pilot from Kansas Who Disappeared in Pacific Ocean |
USA: Kentucky |
Abraham Lincoln: From Kentucky log cabin to the White House |
USA: Louisiana |
Hurricane Katrina: The Day the Music Died in New Orleans |
USA: Maine |
Guard Llamas to the Rescue: Protecting Sheep in Maine |
USA: Minnesota |
The Story of Chief Little Crow: Hero or Villain in the 1862 US-Dakota War? |
USA: Mississippi |
Hurricane Camille Hits Mississippi |
USA: Missouri |
Free land! -- Building a homestead in the Missouri Ozarks |
USA: Montana |
Blackfoot Indian: My First Deer Hunt with Bow and Arrow |
USA: Nebraska |
Nebraska: Cornhusker State, Corn Mazes, Corn Dolls, Cornhusking Competitions, and Legends |
USA: Nevada |
Nevada: Dams and Deserts |
USA: New Jersey |
Thomas Edison: Inventor and Wizard of Menlo Park, New Jersey |
USA: New Mexico |
The Pueblo Storyteller: The Tale of the Coyote and the Turtle |
USA: New York |
The Shofar: An Ancient Musical Instrument Made from a Ram's Horn |
USA: Ohio |
My Amish Life: Humility, Modesty, Obedience, Equality and Simplicity |
USA: Oklahoma |
Oklahoma: Black Sunday - The Worst Dust Storm in America's History |
USA: Pennsylvania |
Betsy Ross and Her Famous Flag |
USA: South Carolina |
South Carolina Gullah Geechee: Making Sweetgrass Baskets on a Coastal Island |
USA: South Dakota |
Sitting Bull: From Custer's Last Stand to Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show |
USA: Tennessee |
The Legend of Davy Crockett: King of the Wild Frontier |
USA: Texas |
The Legend of the Bluebonnets: A Texan Folktale |
USA: Utah |
Mormon Migration from Illinois to Salt Lake City: A Beehive of Activity |
USA: Virgin Islands |
US Virgin Islands: Sea, Shells, Snorkels, Coral, and Fishermen |
USA: Virginia |
Thomas Jefferson and His Fiddle |
USA: Washington |
Picking Apples in Washington State |
USA: West Virginia |
West Virginia: The Only US State Created by the Civil War |
USA: Wisconsin |
Harley Davidson Motorcycles: Two Young Men with a Dream |
USA: Wyoming |
Buffalo Bill Cody: Life in the Wild West and Wyoming |
Vatican City |
Vatican City: Living in the Smallest Country in the World |
Venezuela |
The Republic of Venezuela: Also Called "Little Venice" |
Vietnam |
A Letter from Vietnam |
Wales |
A Doll for St. David's Day: The Patron Saint of Wales |
Zimbabwe |
An African Safari: Lions, Hippos, Crocodiles, and Giraffes |